Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Savvy New Yorkers During Covid

I didn't get the link. Did you get the link? The link didn't work. I didn't get the password. Did you get the password? I couldn't get in. Could you get in? I can see you all, but I can't hear anyone. I can hear everyone, but I can't see anyone. We can't hear you. Can you hear us? Can you hear me? Where's the chat? I typed the chat. How do I send the chat? You're frozen. I'm frozen. She's frozen. My internet is spotty. What does "share screen" mean? I can't share the screen. How do you get a backdrop? Why can't I get a backdrop? Why do I look so bad? Can I do something with the lighting? Do you think it's safe to: -leave my apartment? -open my deliveries within 200 hours? -let the cleaning lady come? -Meet a friend for a walk? -go to Trader Joe? -go to the dentist? -go to the dermatologist? -take a bus? -take a subway? -rent a car? -take the LIRR? -get my hair cut? -eat outside at a restaurant? -go to the beach? -get a mani/pedi? -walk within 6 feet of a stranger? -go anywhere? Should I: Wash my hands before I remove my mask? Wash my hands after I remove my mask? Really sing "Happy Birthday" twice each time I wash my hands? Wash my mask each time I wear it? Change masks daily? Wipe down the counters after the cleaning lady has been here? Wash my clothes if I've been outside ? Throw out my clothes if I've been outside? Let a stranger pet my dog? I'm not sure I'm ok. My temperature is normal and the oximeter says 99% but: -I have a dry cough. -My stomach is a little upset. -I'm sniffling. -My toes hurt. -my egg salad was tasteless. -I couldn't tell if the mayonnaise from 2013 was spoiled. Before March, we had every answer. Now, everything is a question.

1 comment:

  1. I didn’t see any mention of antiseptic wipes or hand sanitizer. You must sterilize everything you bring into the house! We use hand sanitizer and antiseptic wipes on all grocery packaging as well as food that is delivered - not the actual food itself but the packaging. My husband even sterilizes the mail - just the envelopes not their contents of course. After all we don’t want to go overboard. But one thing I know for sure is that it’s better to be safe than sorry.
